City Cemetery

The City owns and maintains the Crossville City Cemetery located on East First Street, and Frost Cemetery, which is located on Sparta Drive. Lots are available for sale at City Cemetery and may be purchased at City Hall or through any of the local funeral homes. The following price and fee schedule is in effect EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2021:

SizeResident living within City limitsNon-ResidentOpening & Closing

Opening & Closing Saturday Morning*Opening & Closing Saturday
Child (Hillside)4' X 6'$300$450$450$550$650

3' X 3'$225$350$250$350$450
*Services on Saturday started no later than noon
**Services starting after noon on Saturdays and services on Sundays
For more information regarding records and the purchase of plots at Crossville City Cemetery, 
please call 931-456-5680 or 931-787-1684.
For more information regarding a burial or maintenance at Crossville City Cemetery, please call 931-484-7631.